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National Addictions Management Service

Substance Use
How to Help Your Loved One

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Substance Abuse 

Educate yourself

Learn about the problem; the more you know, the more you will understand what your loved one is going through and what kind of help he or she needs.

Talk to the abuser

Talk to the substance abuser about your feelings. That might, in turn, trigger honesty from them. Getting them to talk about the problem is an important step to helping them seek treatment.

​​The goal is recovery

Listen and be supportive but don’t get into an argument. Demanding that your loved one stops abusing drugs or alcohol doesn’t help. Show instead that you care and you want them to seek treatment and to recover. Avoid moralising and focus on the consequences of addiction instead.

Make sure you already know what to do next, who to call, and what the number is so that if the person who needs help agrees to seek treatment, you can make a call immediately.

Have a definite 'next step' plan in mind, including a contact person for available treatment.​

To schedule an appointment with a NAMS specialist, please call 6389 2200 or submit an​ online Appointment Request Form​.​​​
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